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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beer Review: He'Brew Genesis Ale

It's kosher. Really.
Picked up this single 12 ounce bottle of He'Brew Genesis Ale in a mix-your-own six pack at Towson Wine & Spirits in Towson, MD. Follow them on the Twitter @TowsonWine. $10 flat rate mixed packs, great price. Nice little shop there. This is my first from He'Brew, picked up a single of Messiah Bold as well. My first experiences with stuff from Shmaltz Brewing Company weren't all that great. I had a few from their Coney Island series and was not at all impressed. It seemed like they missed the mark with those. 

I poured this into a pint glass. It appears hazy dark copper with a white medium bubbled head, moderate carbonation streams and a thin lacing all the way down the glass. It smells glorious. I was very happy with this as it seems I've recently run into some not-so-aromatic brews. It smells of toffee, toasted dark sweet breakfast bread with some more generic sweet malt notes.

Genesis is slightly bitter up front but settles in nice and sweet. The middle is creamy and rich with some toffee, caramel and chewy toasted malt notes. It finishes clean with only a slight bit of bitterness. This combination of flavors is consistent with the English brown style, but this feels a little lighter in body and lighter on the palate.

For what it is, an amber/red ale, this is a good beer. It's enjoyable and easy to drink. It's a good representation of the style and is quite session-able. It's more refreshing than what I would expect from an amber as it's not at all heavy on the palate. I'd get a six pack of this to keep in the fridge without a second thought.

I've been making an effort to drink more small beers and less of the big boys. Tis this season for such an initiative.  

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